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SCKLM 2017 - 21 May 2017: DNF is not fun at all!!

This is one of the most anticipated running event in the country, and it will be a disappointment for any runner to miss even the registration, and surely so to unable to finish the race for whatever reason (DNS/DNF). For 2017, a bigger crowd of 36k runners and the 7k FM is also the largest full marathon participants, that's what i heard. Just being there in the wee hours until past breakfast time of 21st May 2017, meeting and mingling with many familiar runners, together experience the torture and reality of AKLEH-DUKE, was just precious, regardless of the outcome of the race, at least in my personal view.

The same excitement shared among us at Anonymous Runners . 38 of us registered for the event (never able to put them in 1 group for photo session...sighh): 20 for FM (with 3 FMV, most eagerly awaited for the drama king Juki and our self-made icon Razman), 14 for HM and 4 for 10k. We have been buzzing about it for sometimes, talking about the routes and road closures, the pace-pacer and COT, running strategies, past incidents and so on. Unfortunately, 5 decided DNS for their own individual reasons.

Anyway, sometimes things were just not as planned. For the first time, I declared DNF (DID NOT FINISH) for a race. YES I DID NOT FINISH. I don’t have that medal to show for neither the most sought after SCKLM17 Finisher Tee. I just don’t deserved one and I accepted that as part and parcel as a runner. Initially, I thought there’s no point of writing this note, but sharing is caring and why not?. I may be reading this again in the future, when I am too old or just not able to run anymore.

REPC – some says it was a bit less colorful this year, probably due to the high standard usually set in the previous occasions. The REPC venue at the KLCC Convention Centre is a plus, as glamorous as it sounds and best location. At the entrance, the first hurdle is to pass the “Stancart Promo/Sales Team” barrier, offering credit card and savings account with towel, pouch and umbrella as bait. A bit annoying but I probably would do the same, looking from Stancart perspective. The 3-days REPC started on Thursday, quite packed at the opening day, but almost empty when I collected mine on Friday evening. As usual, the REPC filled with some sponsors, promo and sports booths around the expo, and also the compulsory big sign of SCKLM17 layered on the name of all FM runners. I found my name too, yey!!.

On the race day, public transportation services was provided started at 2pm including the LRT. So that morning, without checking, I went to Cempaka Station (instead of Pandan Indah station) and a bit panic when I found out the station was closed with FO is only around 2 hours to go. Eventually the service open at certain stations only. Arrived the event site around 3am, gradually getting crowded with super excited runners. Slowly more members from Anonymous Runners ( arrived and as usual its selfies and wefies and we were all excited to hit the road.

Flag Off was on the dot. I started from PEN3, and as expected the beginning is just a walking pace. Still with easy pace running with the crowd even after several km. I also suspected some issue on gps as milage recorded from my F5 was way different from the milage marker along the route. As we enter the AKLEH (part of the route that I was very excited with), I still felt uncomfortable and getting worried with recurring knee issue encountered at BIM 2 weeks ago. ( Before the AKLEH u-turn, I just had to stop and walked several times and again stopped for pain relief spray. But every stride is getting painful and I knew I was in trouble. At BIM, I already ran 30km before the pain for about 3 hours, and therefore walking 12km would still be within the COT. But for SCKLM17, by the time we reached the AKLEH tol, which is the first CP, I was already hitting 1:20 and still have 30km to go. Walking pace for 30km requires more than 6 hours, if the pain is still bearable. I just had to stop, to prevent further damage and potential aggravating the pain/injury. After the Subuh prayer, I approached the crew and inform them that I wanted to stop. The RACE IS OVER for me.

Dead end.... GAME OVER for me

These are what I can conclude:

  1. DNF IS NOT FUN AT ALL - That's for sure. It takes me a while to decide to admit defeated. But sometimes u have to make tough decisions to look forward. Win the war even if u have to loose in some battles.

  2. LISTEN TO YOUR OWN BODY! - I knew from beginning that participating in SCKLM17 is risky, with 2 consecutive Full Marathon in 2 weeks, even if without any injury suffered at BIM. (I know some had survive ultra-marathon of 100km or more and some even ran 2 consecutive marathons within the same weekend, but they were gifted and not all of us have the same privilege. Period!)

  3. RESPECT THE DISTANCE! - Lack of training for the past 2 months is already an indication for failure, followed with busy work schedule, as well as lack of proper diet and rest. Training for marathon usually would need a good training and milage build up for around 16 weeks. Even with such training, there is no guarantee it will be a smooth run. Take it for granted, almost sure you'll face the consequences. Duh….

  4. REVENGE IS SWEET! - DNF (and DNS) is not the end of the world. Of course it was not something to be proud of. Finishing just about the COT (and probably even beyond the COT) may still carry some sense of pride and achievement rather than not fighting to the end. It was a good lesson for me, and its time to sets a clearer target for the future. I hate SCKLM and I will be back for a revenge!.

If i can recalled correctly, at least 3 buses altogether from the 1st checkpoint, full of DNF runners. It was quiet in the bus, (probably no one wanted to talk about it) and smelly too…LOL. Honestly, it was not that easy to DNF. We have to wait until the last person crossed the CP beyond that COT then only the bus will make a move to the event site. It’s a long trip, and as we passed the other side of the road, our view was runners still fighting towards the FL. The bus stopped somewhere behind the event site and some of us walked to the site while some just gone straight home. I have no choice as I

need to claim my bag. Walking through the crowd of finishers, it was really awkward! Quickly left whatsap messages to our AR team to inform them that I decided to DNF and decided to leave earlier due to the pain (probably not much on the knee but deep inside the heart.. sob sob…). Bag claimed, quick change, its good bye for SCKLM2017.

Congratulations to all finishers FM, HM and 10k, till we meet again in SCKLM2018, Insyallah.

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